If you’re like most school psychologists and diagnosticians that we know, you’ve spent a lot of time struggling with standard find and fill templates.
You wish you didn’t have to take your work home, but assessments are so important, and you just can’t find the tools you need to conduct evaluations efficiently.
Imagine what life would be like if you could cut your report writing process time in half.
Use our suite of tools like the academic file review, social/health/dev history, recommendations bank, and reevaluation review to expedite the entire evaluative process
Stop looking up your percentiles, descriptors, and stressing over pronouns in your report
Get narratives for rating scales written in comparative language for multiple raters
Create a legally defensible report with ease
Stop asking your friends and searching Google for templates
Become more efficient and gain a more appropriate work-life balance
Have a bigger impact on your students
Feel secure using a HIPAA and FERPA compliant software system
Facilitates the creation of legally defensible reports with quality narratives
Over 60 different templates to choose for cognitive, behavioral, achievement, and adaptive measures
Automatically creates a bell curve for cognitive and achievement measures
Multi-rater comparisons on rating scales
Suite of templates for Non-assessment tools such as gap analysis, observation, recommendations, and organizational tools

Facilitates parent-friendly reports with clean tables and evidence-based recommendations
System that is foolproof: Auto-Calculates percentiles and descriptors, and appropriately places names and pronouns within the narrative
Expedites the report writing process so more time can be spent interpreting results and creating individualized educational plans
Gives summary for the results within the table
Includes blurbs such as the covid-19 blurb to help expedient the report-writing process
With ClickReport,
You can gain access to the comprehensive smart templates that you need to conduct your assessments accurately and efficiently. Stop wasting time trying to create your own templates or find them online, and take advantage of the software that will streamline your reporting process.
Smart Templates and Tools
Organizational Tools: Evaluation Cover Page and Report Shell Creator
Evaluation Tools: Academic File Review, Dunn Rankin Preference Inventory, Eligibility Worksheets, Gap Analysis, Kennedy Axis-V, Progress Monitoring, Recommendations Bank, Reevaluation Review, Reversal Writing Sample, Social/Health/Dev Hx, Strengths/Vulnerabilities, Testing Observation, and Time Sample Observation
Cognitive/Processing: ChAMP, CAS-2, XBA, CTOPP-2, DAS-2, KABC-2 NU, RIAS-2, SB-5, TAPS-4, TOMAL-2, WISC-V, WAIS-IV, WPPSI-IV, WRAML-3, WJ-4, WJ-4 ECAD, WJ-4 OL
Achievement: FAR, GORT-5, KTEA-3, WIAT-3, WIAT-4, WRAT-5, WJ-4
Adaptive: ABAS-3, DAYC-2, DP-3/DP-4, and VABS-3
Behavior: BASC-3, BRIEF-2, CDI-2, CEFI, Conners Comprehensive, Conners-4, EDDT, MASC-2, SAED-3, TRAILS-X and Vanderbilt-2
Autism: ADI-R, ADOS-2, ASRS, GARS-3, SCQ, and SRS-2
Personality: MMPI-2 Clinical Scales
Motor: BOT-2, PDMS-2, WRAVMA
Sensory Processing: SPM-2
If you’re looking for speech and language smart templates and tools visit our sister site: